There are many things I’d like to keep private. Most things, in fact.
I’ve always had a diary. Here’s one from 1993.
I still have the key. I was nine.
And I also have many poems I’ve cut over the years. Sometimes at the last minute before a book goes to print. Sometimes right after writing them.
The idea of sharing what I’ve cut seems unnecessary. And mostly I won’t do it.
I don’t think there’s anything to be learned from bad writing. Nor do I think it gives any insight about a writer. We’re voyeurs. We want to know just to know. Let’s admit that.
But from time to time, I may share scraps I find interesting. Or maybe just this once. Bad writing isn’t interesting to me (and I write a lot of bad poems no one will ever see). Things I’ve tossed and forgotten and didn’t know what to do with—sometimes there’s an aliveness to them.
Here’s a diary entry from Saturday, November 24, 2012 where I think about what to title my second book, Together and by Ourselves.
And below that, a 7 line poem I wrote on an envelope (never titled), on January 3, 2015, and which I included in the first drafts of that book, then cut.
You can see I went back and forth on whether to omit or keep “which” in the last line. I also wonder if the envelope size influenced the line breaks. Quite literally.
Who knows. Who cares. It’s all in the past anyway.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
2:02 a.m.
Arthur Russell lived at 437 East 12 Street. So did Ginsberg.
8:20 p.m.
Second book titles:
Days and Nights
Nights With People, Days Without
In the Black Hours
No reason to speak of the weather
when we won’t know
what death is. No way
to pretend it’s not raining
or admit there are things
(many things)
which we won’t do for love.
The poem is poignant. So much of our hours are filled with the mundane, side stepping the big questions. It’s like we turn the radio on to drown out our own heartbeat.
The best gift I gave myself recently is subscribing to your brilliant Substack, AD. Each new entry is as rare, original and singular as Visionnaire when you could only get access via petitioned invitation. Bravo & thank you.