Dear friends, freaks & poets,
For so long now I’ve been asked if I would consider doing small-sized Zoom poetry workshops with people on this list, or in general (feel free to pass this along to anyone who may be interested).
This fall is a good time to start.
I’ll be offering a 10-person Zoom poetry workshop on Sundays from 6 to 8 pm EST.
We’ll mostly be workshopping your poems (as well as reading and learning about the New York School of poetry because…who better to teach this class than me, let’s be real).
Frank O’Hara and John Ashbery in New York
The dates are: Sept 22, Sept 29, Oct 6, Oct 13 and Oct 20. All Sundays, 6-8 pm EST. The cost is $650 for 5 sessions.
Anyone anywhere in the world is welcome.
I’m also offering 1 hour one-on-one Zoom poetry consultations for those interested in a private experience (how you want to use the time is entirely up to you), which can be scheduled around both of us, and that cost is $300 for a session.
If you live in NYC, or will be traveling through here, an in person, 1 hour poetry consultation is also available. That cost is $350 for a session.
If you’re interested in any of these, email me at: or reply directly to this email.
More soon. And get ready. Wilde Boys: a queer poetry salon is coming back very soon at Kapp Kapp gallery downtown.
Is it full yet?
Can't wait!